AR 2014


Service Quality Evaluation

IDGC of Centre controls over customer satisfaction with the quality of services and plans for further development of customer service. Principles of evaluation are outlined in Customer Satisfaction Evaluation, Requirements and Expectations MI BP 09/01–01/2012 approved by Order of IDGC of Centre dated September 12, 2012 No. CA–23/162-r. Level of customer satisfaction with services is evaluated basing on:

  • customer opinion after processing customer request;
  • questionnaires in the customer service offices;
  • on-line questionnaires (via the Internet);
  • periodic questionnaire programmes (via post and telephone calls to customers).

According to the results of the survey and analysis of the received calls the quality of customer service is evaluated in order to create measures to improve the services provided.

In case of a negative opinion or a piece of advice of the customer in relation to services provided by the Company, the task to address the shortcomings is initiated.

Below are some results of the survey conducted in 2013–2014. The survey was performed among consumers who used the core (electric energy transmission, grid connection) and value-added services, as well as addressed with claims against the Company and for providing advice. In total, more than 50 thousand customers of the services were interviewed.

Estimating on a 5 point scale the level of customer satisfaction, the following results are presented on the graphs:

In 2014, customer satisfaction regarding claim settlement and consultancy increased.

Общая оценка удовлетворенности потребителей по вопросам рассмотрения обращений остается высокой и составляет 4,6 балла.

На основании анализа результатов проведенных опросов в 2015 г. МРСК Центра планирует:

Total customer satisfaction regarding claim settlement remains high (4.6 points).

Following the results of questionnaires in 2015, IDGC of Centre is planning to:

  • change in procedure of handling customer requests in order to provide full scope of information important for customer while processing request;
  • initiate sms-information on handling requests for grid connection, as well as informing population on planned and emergency repairs following power cuts or replacement of metering equipment.

Customer satisfaction evaluation by types of calls, point

Customer satisfaction evaluation by types of calls, point
‘Last Mile’ Contract

‘Last mile’ contract is a leasing contract between Federal Grid Company (JSC FGC UES) and territorial grid company (TGC) under which TGC is leasing from FGC UES the last land plot (last mile) at Unified (National) Power System with consumer connection.

This type of contract is implemented as a temporary measure while Unified Power System of Russia is undergoing reforms becoming possible following the Federal Law No. 250 dated November 04, 2007 On Amendments to Several Regulations of the Russian Federation after reform of the Unified Power System of Russia.

Paragraph 5, Article 8 of the Federal Law No. 35-FZ dated March 26, 2003 On Electric Power forbids the ‘last mile’ starting from January 01, 2014, except for contracts with consumers. The article also allows the ‘last mile’ in several constituent entities of the Russian Federation, where leasing contracts were in force as at September 01, 2013.

Federal Law dated November 06, 2013 No. 308-FZ On Electric Power provides for prolongation of the ‘last mile’ contract until July 01, 2017, including areas of IDGC of Centre operation. Therefore, ‘last mile’ contracts were prolongated until July 01, 2017 for Belgorodenergo, Kurskenergo, Lipetskenergo, and Tambovenergo branches, in other branches ‘last mile’ contracts were terminated on January 01, 2014 (except for cases of agreement conclusion).

Consumers outlined in ‘last mile’ contracts are large industrial facilities. Under the contract, payment for electricity supply is calculated under a unified boiler tariff, with consumer reimbursing the grid company costs for power transmission to communities (cross-subsidy).

Gradual termination of ‘last mile’ contracts provides for introduction of a separate BH–1 tariff level with rates reduction schedule for cross-subsidy.

Prospective development areas of IDGC of centre
Opportunities Threats
External environment
  • Single tariff policy.
  • Government policies for improving the efficiency of the economy (in terms of energy conservation and energy efficiency).
  • Adoption of the Strategy of development of the electric grid complex of the Russian Federation.
  • Expansion of the market of additional services, including in the field of energy efficiency.
  • Bonds market entry
  • Depending on the economic situation in the regions and the country as a whole.
  • Reduced energy consumption.
  • Removal of “last mile” and risks of “shortfall in income”.
  • Low payment discipline of sales companies and end customers.
  • Emergency situations, natural disasters
Internal environment
  • The monopoly position of the Company in the regions of its service area.
  • Branches of the Company are “joint operation administrators” in the regions.
  • Prudent credit policy.
  • High credit rating and positive credit history.
  • The centralized system of planning and cash flow management of the Company.
  • Centralization of major procurement for the needs of the Company.
  • Developed system of customer service.
  • Availability of qualified engineers and technicians
  • A large service area and a long distance between facilities: the company has higher costs for their maintenance, more time is required for elimination of failures.
  • High level of wear and tear of electric grid facilities.
  • Formation of accounts receivable, the need to create reserves

IFRS Consolidated Financial Statements for 2014

Appendicies to the Annual Report 2014 to Top