This credit rating means that, in the opinion of the rating agency, in the short-term outlook the Company is less exposed to credit risk (as compared to companies with lower category ratings); however, in the long-term outlook, the changing business and economic environment may have a negative effect on the Company’s ability to pay its financial liabilities.
In 2014, Standard & Poor`s took the following rating action:
This rating action is caused by similar action in respect of the sovereign rating of the Russian Federation, which is due to the worsening macroeconomic situation.
The rating was first assigned in 2007. In December 2014, the National Rating Agency confirmed the rating of AA, very high creditworthiness, second level.
In February 2015, Standard & Poor`s reduced the credit rating of IDGC of Centre down to BB-/B/ruAA-, with a stable outlook. This reduction was due to the reduction of the rating of the Russian Federation.
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