AR 2014


Interactive Analysis

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Parameter Measuring units 2012 2013 2014 Deviation
2014-2013 2014/2013(%)
Financial and economic indicators (RAS)
Revenue RUB bn 69.4 92.9 86.7 -6.2 -6.7
Production cost RUB bn (57.9) (78.1) (73.9) -4.2 -5.4
Gross profit RUB bn 11.5 14.8 12.8 -2 -13.5
Management costs RUB bn (2.09) (2.14) (2.11) -0.03 -1.4
Selling costs RUB bn (1.19) (0.65) -0.54 -45.4
Profit from sales RUB bn 9.4 11.5 10 -1.5 -13
Interest receivable RUB bn 0.16 0.11 0.11
Interest payable RUB bn (1.6) (2.1) (2.5) 0.4 19
Earnings from shareholders in other companies RUB bn 0.13 0.02 0.04 0.02 100
Miscellaneous earnings RUB bn 3.8 5.1 6.7 1.6 31.4
Miscellaneous costs RUB bn (7.4) (12.7) (9.4) -3.3 -26
Profit before tax RUB bn 4.5 1.9 4.9 3 157.9
Profit tax and other charges RUB bn (1.04) (1.64) (1.54) -0.1 -6.1
Net profit RUB bn 3.5 0.3 3.3 3 1000.0
EBITDA RUB bn 12.3 11.5 15.6 4.1 35.7
Operating indicators
Power supply to the grid kWh bn 64 63.6 62.8 -0.8 -1.3
Net electricity supply (within the balance participation of the Company's branches) kWh bn 57.9 57.8 57 -0.8 -1.4
Power losses kWh bn 6.1 5.83 5.76 -0.07 -1.2
Amount of power transmission services providedTaking into account electric energy sold over 2013–2014 when the Company was fulfilling the functions of the last resort supplier. kWh bn 55.1 55.2 54.4 -0.8 -1.4
Added Capacity MW 853.9 1,018.5 1,116.6 98.1 14.5
Capital investment
Capital investment RUB bn 15.8 14.4 12.2 -2.2 -15.3
ETL Commissioning km 8,026 5,689 5,110 -579 -10.2
Transformer Capacity Commissioning MVA 1,518 1,362 1,107 -255 -18.7
AssetsTaking into leasing, rental and equipment maintenance contracts
Substations 0.4–110 kV pcs 95,262 96,849 98,288 1,439 1.5
Installed capacity MVA 50,413 51,312 52,008 696 1.4
SS 35–110 kV pcs 2,358 2,359 2,363 4 0.2
SS 35–110 kV MVA 33,104 33,562 33,936 374 1.1
SS 6–35/0.4 kV pcs 92,904 94,490 95,925 1,435 1.5
SS 6–35/0.4 kV MVA 17,310 17,749 18,072 323 1.8
Transformer substations, 6–10/0.4 kV pcs 92,214 93,793 95,183 1,390 1.5
Transformer substations, 6–10/0.4 kV MVA 16,696 17,227 17,592 365 2.1
Distribution points, 6–10 kV pcs 690 697 742 45 6.5
Distribution points, 6–10 kV MVA 613 522 479 −43 −8.2
Overhead lines route length, 0.4–110 kV km 376,008 378,118 379,144 1,026 0.3
Conductors 110 kV and more km 21,570 21,596 21,601 5 0.02
Conductors 35 kV km 30,392 30,378 30,390 12 0.04
Conductors 6–10 kV km 169,942 170,645 171,230 585 0.03
Conductors 0.4 kV km 154,105 155,498 155,923 425 0.3
Cable lines length, 0.4–110 kV km 13,033 13,846 14,259 413 3.0
Cables 110 kV and more km 15 35 36 1 2.9
Cables 35 kV km 11 20 26 6 30
Cables 6–10 kV km 6,943 7,322 7,552 230 3.1
Cables 0.4 kV km 6,064 6,469 6,645 176 2.7
Capitalisation RUB bn 24.6 9.3 11.5 2.2 23.7
Total dividends RUB thou 422,179 862,935 75,992 786,943 -91.2
Dividend per share RUB 0.01 0.02044 0.0018 -0.01864 -91.2
Average headcount thous. people 29.9 31.1 29.7 -1.4 -4.5
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