AR 2014


The Company’s main activities are electricity transmission and grid connection of new customers.

Electricity output from the grid by consumer category for 2014, mln kWh, %

Maximum connected power by industry for 2014, MW

Interaction with consumers is performed in accordance with the “System for Centralised Servicing of Consumers”, approved by the Board of Directors of the Company.

Forms of consumer services
Number of calls over 2014 Variance, 2014/2013, %
Face-to-face 299 customer service offices 327,404 5.8

Direct line with energy specialists


Customer boxes in customer service offices



552,360 (call centre)

3,737 (in writing)






Internet Reception at the Company’s website

Consumer’s personal account

7,075 152.1
Others 26,649 —51.7
Total 917,225 —28.1

The Company received 917,225 consumer calls in 2014. 28.1% fewer calls were recorded during the year with 31% fewer complaints and 25% fewer calls to notify of blackout.

Performance indicators for Company relations with consumers is the assessment of service reliability ad quality. This indicator in 2014 for all Company branches will be within the target range approved by Russian executive authorities responsible for state regulation of tariffs.

Customer can assess the Company’s performance by completing a questionnaire in the Internet Reception.

Events in 2014 to improve consumer relations:

  • Customer service offices are provided with information materials and equipment as stipulated by the Uniform Service Standards of Grid Companies.
  • Interactive consumer service process profiles are published on the Company’s corporate websites. Consumer service process profiles are placed on information boards in customer service offices.
  • Q&A page on the Company’s corporate website contains answers to the consumers’ most frequent questions;
  • Employees who interact with consumers had Customer Relations training.
  • Short telephone number 13–50 was established to receive calls from customers of the IDGC of Centre branches.
  • More than 30 round tables and meetings with consumers were held to discuss the servicing procedure.

Service Consumer Council

The Consumer Council set up in 2013 will continue its work in 2014 to optimise and coordinate consumer relations within the Company. IDGC of Centre included 70 representatives of such regional public organisations as Delovaya Rossija and OPORA OF RUSSIA, chambers of industry and commerce at the regional and municipal levels. major electricity consumers (OJSC Oboronenergo, Bryanskoblelecktro LLC, Gagarinsky Engineering Works LLC, OJSC Rastmaslo, Znamensky SGC LLC etc.), SMEs, and housing utilities consumers, representatives of regional energy commissions.

The agenda of the Consumer Council meetings in 2014 was as follows:

  • Developing methodology for setting tariffs for reserved power, procedure for power reservation, and rejection of non-utilised power.
  • Determining a procedure for electricity tariff regulations to compensate for loss from renewable energy sources (hereinafter, RES) without including the costs of cattle production waste recycling expensed as production cost.
  • Preparing amendments to legislation of the Russian Federation.

The Company plans to improve the quality of interaction with consumers in 2015:

  • Implement the system of appointments for consumers visiting customer service offices.
  • Build an interactive knowledge base for employees in customer service offices.
  • Change scenarios for processing of consumer calls to provide the fullest information of interest to consumers.
  • Automate the process of planning Company employee visits to consumers.
  • Send SMS-messages regarding the status of compliance with grid connection requests and inform the population about target and emergency work related to blackout and the need to replace meters.
  • Expand the capabilities of the Personal Account regarding electricity transmission services and additional services.
  • Train personnel directly involved in consumer relations.
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