Anti-corruption activities of IDGC of Centre are carried out in accordance with the Company’s Anti-Corruption Policy, approved by the Board of Directors in 2014.
The document’s main intention is to develop and implement a coherent system for corporate and anti-corruption compliance procedures aimed at preventing, detecting and eliminating corruption and at minimising reputation and corruption risks for IDGC of Centre.
In 2014, within the framework of its Anti-Corruption Policy, the Company verified information about the chain of ownership in respect of IDGC of Centre’s counterparties, on the reliability of provided data about legal entities and natural persons.
In order to settle conflicts of interest, pre-conflict situations and other irregularities, the Company set a Commission on Corporate Ethics and Settlement of Conflicts of Interests.
Anti-corruption monitoring is also performed as a part of procurement activity— the Company identifies affiliation and conflict of interest between the counterparties (ultimate beneficiaries) and employees of IDGC of Centre.
In the reporting year, the IDGC of Centre’s trust line proved its effectiveness: