AR 2014


IDGC of Centre manages the following assetsTaking into account leasing, rental and equipment maintenance contracts.
Asset name Measuring units 2012 2013 2014
Substations 0.4–110 kV pcs 95,262 96,849 98,288
Installed capacity MVA 50,413 51,312 52,008
SS 35–110 kV pcs 2,358 2,359 2,363
MVA 33,104 33,562 33,936
SS 6—35/0.4 kV pcs 92,904 94,490 95,925
MVA 17,310 17,749 18,072
Transformer substations, 6—10/0.4 kV pcs 92,214 93,793 95,183
MVA 16,696 17,227 17,592
Distribution points, 6–10 kV pcs 690 697 742
MVA 613 522 479
Overhead lines route length, 0.4–110 kV km 376,008 378,118 379,144
Conductors 110 kV and more km 21,570 21,596 21,601
Conductors 35 kV km 30,392 30,378 30,390
Conductors 6–10 kV km 169,942 170,645 171,230
Conductors 0.4 kV km 154,105 155,498 155,923
Cable lines length, 0.4–110 kV km 13,033 13,846 14,259
Cables 110 kV and more km 15 35 36
Cables 35 kV km 11 20 26
Cables 6–10 kV km 6,943 7,322 7,552
Cables 0.4 kV km 6,064 6,469 6,645
Specific fault rate in 2012–2014
Indicator Measuring units 2012 2013 2014 Deviation 2014/2013, %
Number of interruptions items 41,659 29,265 20,797 —28.9
Specific fault rate items per 1 thousand items of equipment 26.2 18.1 12.4 —31.5
The level of deterioration of IDGC of Centre electric grid facilities is 73.2% as at December 31, 2014, including:
Name of asset Deterioration level, %
Overhead lines, 0.4–110 kV 74.5
Cable lines, 0.4–110 kV 58.8
Transformer equipment, 3–110 kV 77.3
Switching devices, 3–110 kV 65.9
Substation equipment, 3–110 kV 72.4
Total deterioration of the organisational unit 73.2

The standard service life of facilities is taken into account when calculating the deterioration of assets:

  • 25 years for substations and cable lines;
  • 35 years for overhead power lines.

Asset Management System

The high level of the transmission facilities’ deterioration poses the need for improving asset management efficiency. In this regard, IDGC of Centre decided to create an Asset Management System (hereafter AMS) in 2006.

The company’s AMS development required elaboration of new approaches to the management of power grid companies’ production assets. The AMS has been fully implemented today.

The Asset Management System allows the Company to solve the following issues:

To reduce the costs of equipment maintenance and elimination of the consequences of its failures by means of:

  • alignment of priorities in making fund allocation decisions — primarily funds go to the equipment in the worst condition and having the greatest failure consequences;
  • justified determination of the optimal amount of funds ensuring equipment reliability for the company as a whole and of each business unit in particular

To ensure transparency and validity of decisions, efficient interaction between the departments, head office, shareholders and authorities:

  • each object of the repair and replacement programme has a rationale for its inclusion, which is simple and understandable not only for technical experts;
  • the possibility of repair and replacement programme options’ modelling with different amounts of funding allows us to prove the optimality of the decisions made

To improve the efficiency of asset management task planning and monitoring by means of:

  • ensuring that the company’s management and divisions have objective and sufficient information to establish economically sound equipment repair and replacement programmes;
  • changing the principles for repair and formation of replacement plans: instead of the approach where the request, formed at the bottom level, receives or fails to receive approval at the top level, a new principle has been implemented, where the task is set at the top level, and is to be carried out at the bottom level;
  • a possibility of automatic formation/revision of equipment repair and replacement programmes in case of changes in the business objectives and priorities

To increase the efficiency of task description, maintenance and repair services implementation using handheld mobile devices (Mobile solutions tools):

  • enhancement of input data reliability;
  • reduction of time spent on feeding information into the system to determine its technical condition;
  • reduction of the time spent on preparation of external examination, measurement and test reports;
  • provision of all the necessary documentation diagnostics;
  • measuring the progress and time of works
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